Friday, July 13, 2007

Dialog WiMax prices

I've received below mail from one of my friend.
"Hi All,

As you know Dialog is planning to commence WiMax Broadband Internet in Colombo and suburbs. I have received the pricing and they seem to be very competitive with ADSL pricings. If any of you are interested in WiMax for your homes, here is the price list.

Contact Chaminda on 077 - 7334273 if anybody is interested."


justavisitor said...

Thanks for info. Where did you get this? I think Dialog has not launched WiMax yet. Their website does not have any info on Wimax services yet. They tested it in some parts of the country. Pls share any more info you have about Dialog WiMax.


soorapappa...සූරපප්පා said...

Thanks for your comment.
I've got this e mail from one of my friend. Added the covering letter and there is a contact no. But I haven't called him because I've lost my interest. So, this is all I have at the moment.

Unknown said...

Do you think this is cheap ? not at all. Herewith I linked slt tariff. compare with this

Technically, SLT Adsl comes over hard links. But Dialog Wimax uses electro-magnetic spectrum. So you have to fight with more disturbances with Wimax.